Selasa, 2 November 2010

nature is beauty 2

Theme             :  Nature is Beauty
Statement       : Research for beneficial from recycle of nature

For my final project, I was research about some thing in our surrounding which is liked unbeneficial to us but the really it is beneficial when we can combine and make a something that we can used from. From my final project, I was choose buffalo horn and cow horn as a important object in producing m artwork where this horn will be decorated with shell, rubber leaves and rubber seed to make it more interesting and beautiful. This horn will be used as a place to put hats, scarf, watch, keys and others. It also nice when be decoration at wall.
 I choose buffalo and cow horn because many people now not appreciate it because for them it is useless and not beautiful. We was forget that this horn is a defend mechanism for animal to protect their self. So we must appreciate this horn as an object to show about brave.
I also was used shell as second important object. This shell I get it from a beach at Terengganu. I choose shell because it is beautiful, clean and unique object. It is because many pattern of shell we can get from beach. I used it to show about people. People in our world is not same each others. If we combined and work together, we will produce a community which is harmony, and move on. It can be seen when I used this shell to make a curtain. When I just only used a shell, this curtain will not beautiful and interesting, but when I used many shell and arrange it together, it will become more nice, beautiful and attracted.
 I also used rubber leaves as third important object; this rubber will be soak into water which have Clorox for at least 3 week to get the vein of the leaves. It is to show that our life is not easy, for become better life; we must be patient and work hard. It can be seen when I must soak this leaves with Clorox to get the beautiful vain.
So, this horn, shell and rubber leaves is the three important object in my final project. This nature recycle is really meaningful and waste if we not appreciate it.

1 ulasan:

  1. hanya untuk kongsi kelebihan barang yang terdapat di sekeliling kiterrr....
